Are you 21 or over?

By Vanessa León Guerrero


Here at 2 Towns we’re all about traditions, old and new, and Friendsgiving is one of the newer holiday traditions we’re excited about. 

Usually held a week before Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving is a time that many get together with those who they consider the closest and give thanks for those friendships. A day filled with gratification, lots of delicious food, and good laughs; any good excuse to get together and enjoy some quality craft cider. 

Plus, hosting a Friendsgiving is so much fun! You invite all of your closest friends and share good times together, all while enjoying some bomb food.

Here are some tips on planning the best Friendsgiving this year:

Planning is the core of this!

  • Planning ahead of time is crucial for your Friendsgiving. As many people deal with the logistics of traveling to see their families this time of year, it’s important to send out invites ahead of time. By doing so, you’ll be able to plan accordingly to know how much food to prepare, set up for your party, to-go boxes, cutlery, etc.

Host your Friendsgiving potluck style.

  • Rather than stressing over how you’re going to cook a 5-course meal for a group of people, ask people to bring their own already prepared food. This not only allows you to save some time, (and some $$$) but also allows for you and your guests to enjoy a wide variety of delicious food. 
    • P.S, if you have that one person who isn’t an iron chef, be sure to have them bring any cutlery you’ll need for your successful Friendsgiving! 

Coordinate cleaning and bring leftover containers! 

  • Be sure to coordinate with everyone on a cleaning schedule from your little gathering, you definitely don’t want to be the only one who is left cleaning for* everyone. Also, since there’s going to be tons of food, it’s smart to bring some containers for your guests to take home leftovers, waste not, want not!

Figure out what are you going to cook!

Bring out the goodies! 

  • What better way of celebrating Friendsgiving than sharing your favorite bottle(or can) collection of 2 Towns cider with your friends? If you don’t have a collection don’t fret, it’s never too late to start building up that 2 Towns bottle or can collection! We have a huge line-up to choose from, ranging from our year-round flagships and seasonals to our limited releases and traditions line.

Lastly, have fun!

  • Friendsgiving is a time to surround yourself with your closest friends and celebrate good times with yummy food. Honoring old traditions or creating new ones, you decide how your Friendsgiving will be like! For example, everyone can say what they’re grateful for this year, or you could switch things up by talking about fun times you’ve shared with others in your life, watch movies you watched as a kid, play fun games, the ideas are limitless!