Shred the galactic gnar with this interstellar island variation of COSMIC CRISP®. Crafted with purple passion fruit, hibiscus flowers, and COSMIC CRISP® apples, don’t forget your shades and SPF 10100, we’re getting pitted on some epic solar flares!
Cider FinderTropical COSMIC CRISP® – Imperial Passion Fruit is crafted using fresh-pressed, COSMIC CRISP® apples, fresh passion fruit juice, and hibiscus flowers.
Visual Profile: Clear, Rosé colored
Aroma: Tropical fruit, Acidic, Hint of Apple
Flavor Profile: Medium-high acid content from the COSMIC CRISP® apples, with a sweet and bright finish from the passion fruit.
Mouthfeel: Medium body. Light tannins.
ABV: 8%
Packaging | In Fridge | No Fridge |